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Ministry of Foreign Affairs REPUBLIC OF KOREA

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Press Releases

Outcome of the Second Republic of Korea-Australia Foreign and Defence Ministers’ (2+2) Meeting


1. Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se and Defence Minister Han Min-koo held the Second Republic of Korea-Australia Foreign and Defence Ministers’ (2+2) Meeting with Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Defence Minister Kevin Andrews in Sydney, Australia, on September 11, and discussed regional situations, issues related to the Korean Peninsula, and ways to enhance defence and security cooperation between the two countries.

o Following the Meeting, the Ministers of the two countries held a joint press conference, and announced the results of the meeting in a Joint Statement and a Blueprint for Defence and Security Cooperation between the ROK and Australia.

2. The Ministers of the two countries shared the view that the ROK-Australia partnership has developed into a quasi-alliance through Australia’s participation in the Korean War, the 54-year-long diplomatic relations between the two countries, and the ROK-Australia FTA, which took effect in December last year. The Ministers agreed that the cooperative mechanism of the Foreign and Defence Ministers’ (2+2) Meeting in place reflects close relations between the two countries.

o Agreeing on the importance of advancing regional cooperation in various forms, including bilateral, minilateral, and multilateral cooperation, creating a virtuous cycle among them, in order to manage in a stable manner the dynamic regional situation in the Asia-Pacific region, which is undergoing a transition, the two sides agreed to continue to cooperate closely with each other.

o Concerning the aforementioned regional cooperation, the ROK side explained that the ROK government is making various efforts to improve relations between countries in Northeast Asia, including efforts to hold an ROK-Japan-China trilateral summit. In response, the Australian side noted with appreciation that the ROK is playing a constructive role in promoting stability and improving relations between countries in the region.

o Meanwhile, the Ministers of the two countries took note of the activities of major regional and global cooperative mechanisms in politics, security, defence and economy where the two countries are participating together, including the East Asia Summit (EAS), the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), the ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting (ADMM Plus), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and the G20. They agreed to continue to pursue close cooperation between the two countries within these consultative mechanisms.

3. Regarding issues related to the Korean Peninsula, the Ministers of the two countries hoped that the inter-Korean agreement reached on August 25 will lead to progress in the inter-Korean relations, and urged North Korea to faithfully implement the agreement.

o The Australian side commended the ROK government for turning a difficult challenge into an opportunity to reach the August 25 inter-Korean agreement by making a resolute, very wise and measured response to North Korea’s provocations.

o In addition, reaffirming the two countries’ firm position to strengthen the global non-proliferation regime, the Ministers shared the view that North Korea’s nuclear weapons development is posing a serious threat to peace and stability not only on the Korean Peninsula but also in the entire Asia-Pacific region. With regard to the possibility of North Korea engaging in a strategic provocation in the near future, the Ministers stressed that UN Security Council resolutions concerning North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs need to be faithfully implemented.

o The two sides also agreed that the international community needs to send a clear and resolute message with a united voice so that North Korea’s provocations can be deterred and meaningful Six-Party Talks for the denuclearization of North Korea can be resumed.

o The ROK side explained in detail the ROK government’s efforts to maintain peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, build trust in Northeast Asia, and achieve a peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula, which faces the 70th anniversary of division, as well as benefits that a reunified Korean Peninsula will bring for the stability and prosperity of the region. In response, the Australian side, while agreeing that the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula will contribute to peace, security and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and in the international community, reaffirmed the Australian government’s support for the ROK government’s ongoing efforts towards peaceful reunification.

o The Ministers also said that there was a significant increase in the international community’s awareness of the human rights situation in North Korea last year, and agreed to continue close cooperation between the two countries to improve human rights in North Korea.

4. Regarding defence and security cooperation, as one of the most important accomplishments of the Second ROK-Australia Foreign and Defence Ministers’ (2+2) Meeting, the two sides adopted a Joint Statement and a Blueprint, which set out concrete measures for cooperation between the two countries in diplomacy, defence and security.

o The Blueprint is a measure to implement the “Vision Statement,” which was adopted by the heads of state of the two countries during Prime Minister Abbott’s official visit to the ROK in April last year. The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation not only between the diplomatic and defence authorities of the two countries but also at the whole governmental level in a range of areas, including police, cybersecurity, border security, crisis management, and maritime safety, and agreed on concrete measures for such cooperation.

5. Agreeing on the usefulness of the Foreign and Defence Ministers’ (2+2) Meeting, the two sides decided to continue to hold the Meeting every two years, and therefore hold the next 2+2 Meeting in the ROK in 2017.

6. Prior to the 2+2 Meeting, the Ministers laid wreaths at the Korean War Memorial in Moore Park in Sydney, paying tribute to the Australian war veterans who died during the Korean War and expressing gratitude for their noble sacrifices.

7. Following a joint press conference on the Second 2+2 Meeting, Minister Yun Byung-se met separately with his Australian counterpart Minister Bishop, and exchanged in-depth views on the recent North Korean provocations and inter-Korean relations; North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs and human rights situation; relations with the US, China, Japan and other major countries in the region; and MIKTA.

o Mentioning that the latest Foreign Ministers’ meeting is the ninth one between the Foreign Ministers of the two countries, Minister Bishop emphasized that this highlights not only the special personal trust and friendship between the Foreign Ministers of the two countries, but also the close cooperation between the ROK and Australia not only at the bilateral level but also in the Asia-Pacific region and on the global stage as countries with similar position.

o Regarding MIKTA, where the ROK had served as the chair until late August, Minister Yun expressed hope that MIKTA will become a more meaningful consultative mechanism in the international community through the contribution and role of Australia, which has assumed the role of MIKTA’s Third Coordinator since September 1. Minister Bishop expressed appreciation for the significant contribution which the ROK, as the Second Coordinator, made to raising MIKTA’s status and bringing greater structure to MIKTA. She also expressed hope that the ROK and Australia will continue close cooperation for specific cooperative projects of MIKTA.

*unofficial translation